Observation, Self Assessment, Coach and Audit checklists can all be edited in a similar way.
This article will show you how to add a new section to the checklists you create, as well as how to edit, re-order, duplicate and delete sections.
Add new section
To add a new section simply click on + New Section in the checklist.
Edit section
Select the pencil icon next to the section title to edit. Alternatively click on the section text itself to edit.
You can also format the checklist text using the toolbar.
Re-order sections
- Go to the top bar in the checklist and click on Sections.
- Select Re-order.
- Drag sections and drop them in place by holding down on the icon with two parallel lines.
- Once you're satisfied with the section order, click on Re-order done button at the top of the screen.

Duplicate a section
Next to the section title of the section you want to copy, click on the duplicate icon. The newly duplicated section will be added at the end of the assessment.
You will notified that the section has been duplicated. You will also be able to click on the button to Go to the section.
The duplicated section will be appended with "(copy)".
Delete a section
Click on the trash can icon next to the section title.
Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the section.
Article ID: xapimedA_20200406_1