
Triggers in assessments

This guide will cover:


What are triggers?

You can add triggers in assessments / checklists on certain question types, to 'trigger' an action to happen if the user selects the answer. Triggers in assessments include:

  • Show sections
    • When the user selects this answer, it will trigger to show your selected sections.
    • Available for question type(s): Single selection.
  • Show questions
    • When the user selects this answer, it will trigger to show your selected questions.
    • Available for question type(s): Single selection.
  • Assign pathway to learner
    • If the user selects this answer, it will activate the trigger and your selected pathway will be assigned to the learner of the assessment upon checklist sign off / submission of assessment.
    • Available for question type(s): Single selection.
  • Assign pathway to self
    • If the user selects this answer, it will activate the trigger and your selected pathway will be assigned to the person performing the assessment upon checklist sign off / submission of assessment (e.g. for a coaching checklist, it will assign the pathway to the coach).
    • Available for question type(s): Single selection.
  • Schedule pathway
    • Schedule pathway based on a date selected in the assessment.
    • Available for question type(s): Datepicker.

Add a trigger

Step 1

If your question type allows triggers, you will see a grey / yellow trigger icon in the answer section.

Pictured below: An example of where to add triggers in single selection question type.


Pictured below: An example of where to add triggers in datepicker question type.


Step 2

Click on the lightning bolt icon.

It will be grey if you have no triggers attached, and yellow if you have some triggers attached.


Step 3

You'll see a dialog, click Create New.



Step 4

Choose the type of triggers you want to add and follow the prompts.

Note: Once you've added the trigger, the trigger icon will turn yellow.


 Article ID: xapiappsA_20200331_14


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