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Note: Deleting a step deletes all 'downstream' steps attached to it. If you want to keep these steps, scroll down to How to keep downstream steps when you need to delete a step.
Step 1: Click on the step you want to delete.
Step 2: Click on the 3 vertical dots which appear in the top right-hand corner of the step tile.

Step 3: Click on Delete.
You'll get a dialog letting you know the number of steps below the selected step which will also be deleted.
Step 4: If you're okay with this, then click YES. The video shows what happens when you delete a step which has 'downstream' steps attached.
If you do not want to lose the downstream steps, please follow the below instructions.
How to keep downstream steps when you need to delete a step
By 'cutting' the part of the Pathway you want to preserve, you can save the downstream steps and paste them back in once you've deleted the step you want to remove.
Step 1: Select the step below the step you want to delete.
Step 2: Click on the three vertical dots, and click Cut and YES in the dialog.
For example, if I want to delete the Coach step in the below Pathway, select the YouTube step, and then select Cut and YES in the dialog. (We will paste it back in later.)
Step 3: Now delete the step you want to delete.
- Select the step you want to delete.
- Click on the 3 vertical dots.
- Click Delete.
Step 4: Now we can add the downstream steps you 'cut' earlier back in. Select the remaining step, and click on the 3 vertical dots on the selected step
Step 5: Click Paste.
The downstream steps will now be back in the Pathway.
How this looks in action...
In the below example I want to delete the Coach step, but keep the YouTube and Observation step.
Article ID: xapimedA_20200401_2