
Add or remove a user's role

In this guide, you'll find some basics about roles and groups, as well as information about how to:

1. Change a user's role via groups

2. Remove a user's role by editing the roles contained within a group


Roles and their relationship to Groups

Because 'roles' are assigned via groups, you have to remove a user from the group which assigns the role to the user in order to remove the role from the user.

Similarly, to add a role to a user, this needs to be done via groups - adding the user to different groups will change the roles which are assigned to them.

Alternatively, you can edit and remove the roles contained within a group to change the roles that the group assigns to users who are members of the group.

* Please be aware that changing the roles attached to the group will affect all members of the group.

The image below shows the relationship of groups to roles and users.


What if the user is a member of multiple groups?

If the user is in multiple groups, the role you're seeking to revoke may exist as part of one of the remaining groups against their profile.

What happens if a user has multiple roles? Will 'lower level' permissions override 'higher level' ones?

If a user is a member of multiple groups with varying levels of permissions and capabilities, it will always be the 'highest' level of permissions and capabilities which dictates their experience of a system. i.e. If a user already has a 'reporter' role assigned to them, and you then add them to a group which contains the 'Basic User' role, this will not override or restrict their 'reporter' role permissions and capabilities. This can only be achieved by deleting the 'reporter' role from their profile by removing them from the group which contains this role.

How will I know that I've successfully added or removed a role?

To crosscheck that the role changes you make through groups achieve the desired outcome for your user, impersonate their profile.


Change a user's role via groups

There are several methods for removing users from groups.

1. Remove a group from a user via their profile page 

The benefit of this process is that it is a very quick way to remove a user from a group.

Step One: Go to User Management > People tab. 

Step Three: Remove a user from the groups they are currently in by clicking the small x in the relevant group chip as it appears in the groups field (pictured below).


Step Four: Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove this group from the user.


2. Add or remove a group from a user via their profile page

The benefit of this process is that it pulls up the list of groups in your system for your reference. You can also add the user to new groups at the same time as deleting the from others, which might save time.

Step One: Go to User Management > People.

Step Two: Click on the relevant user and then click on their Profile tab.

Step Two: Click Change in the group field and un-select the groups from which you wish to remove your user. Un-selecting a group will effectively remove them from it. N.B. By selecting groups, you can also add them to groups while you're at it.

Step Three: Click OK and review changes.

The following video (10 seconds: no sound) shows how the process of selecting and un-selecting groups looks.


3. Remove a user from a group via the group page

Topline: The image below shows the group page for the 'Supervisor' group and where changes can be made.


The benefit of the following process is that it makes it easy to remove multiple users from the same group.

Step One: Go to User Management > Groups and click on the group from which you need to remove or to which you need to add members.

Step Two: Find the users you need to remove in the list of current group members (pictured below). Delete members as required with the small x in their user tile.


Step Three: Confirm that you want to remove this user from this group by clicking Yes.


4. Add a user to a group via the group page

This method is useful if you need to add multiple users to a group



Remove a user's role by editing the roles contained within a group

Edit roles for an entire group of users

You can apply a bulk change to the roles held by a group of users by editing the roles contained within a group settings.

* Please be aware that changing the roles attached to the group will affect all members of the group. *

There are two ways to do this.

Method One:

The fastest way to remove a role from a group, is to:

Step One: Go to User Management > Groups and select the group of users you need to edit.


Step Two: On the group screen, click the small x in the orange chip for the role you want to delete from this group.


Step Three: Click Yes to confirm that you would like to delete this role from the group.


Method Two:

If you need to remove roles, but add others, the change button in the roles field will let you do this at the same time.

Step One: Go to User Management > Groups and select the group of users you need to edit.


Step Two: Click change in the roles field.


Step Three: Select the roles you wish to add, and un-select the roles you wish to remove. Click OK.


These will now appear in the roles field (pictured below) and all users in this group will now be assigned these roles and associated permissions and capabilities.


Article ID: xapimedE_20200131_1

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