Step 1: Click on Manage Apps in the side menu.
Step 2: Find the SCORM Cloud app under Activity Apps.
Step 3: Click Install.
Step 4: In the dialog you'll see that you need an Application Identifier and Secret Key.
Continue reading for instructions on how to get the Application Identifier and Secret Key.
Step 5: Log into your SCORM Cloud account.
Step 6: Click on Apps / API in the side menu.
Step 7: Click on Details on one of your apps in the list.
Take note of the name of this app. You will need to know it for when you upload content.
In our example, the app name is:
"Initial Application for Nick's Realm"
Step 8: Copy the Application Identifier. Paste this into the dialog box.
Step 9: Copy the Secret Key and paste this into the dialog box.
If you don't see any secret keys, click on add new next to Authorization Keys. Then in the dialog give your key a name e.g. Dept. A secret key.
Step 10: Click COMPLETE INSTALLATION to install the app.
Article ID: xapimedA_20200331_19